Thursday, April 20, 2006

Giant Dinosaurs Hunted in Packs?

Giant predatory dinosaurs may have hunted in packs to bring down the biggest plant-eating prey.
The evidence comes from the first detailed analysis of the remains of giant predatory dinosaurs uncovered in Patagonia over a span of five years, starting in 1997. The 100-million-year-old bones come from a previously unknown species closely related to Giganotosaurus, a huge and slightly older creature also unearthed in Argentina (see "
The dino-daddy of all meat eaters")..........

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Largest Carnivorous Dinosaur Discovered

At a news conference today in the western Patagonian city where the new species was found, paleontologists will unveil what may be one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs known..........

Science Daily

Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Missing Link Fish With Limbs

Found in the Canadian Arctic, the new fossil boasts leglike fins, scientists say. The creature is being hailed as a crucial missing link between fish and land animals—including the prehistoric ancestors of humans..........

National Geographic News

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Dinoaur Fossils Found on Remote South Pacific Island

"We know now … that dinosaurs were inhabiting really the most isolated regions of the Southern Hemisphere," said Jeffrey Stilwell, a paleontologist at Monash University in Victoria, Australia..........

National Geographic News