Dinosaur Extinction Due to Multiple Causes, Study Suggests
Growing evidence, paleontologists say, shows that the dinosaurs and their contemporaries were not wiped out by one meteor impact, as is commonly assumed.Rather, multiple impacts, massive volcanism in India and climate changes conspired to finish off the great reptiles, according to Gerta Keller of Princeton University in Princeton, N.J., and colleagues..........World Science
Giant Extinct Camel Remains Discovered in Syria
The bones of a huge extinct camel have been discovered in Syria, a joint Swiss-Syrian team announced last week.
The previously unknown species lived about a hundred thousand years ago and was "as big as a giraffe or an elephant," the archaeologists say..........National Geographic News
Mastodon Extinction Due, in Part, to Tuberculosis?
Tuberculosis was rampant in North American mastodons during the late Ice Age and may have led to their extinction, researchers say...........National Geographic News